Home » Breaking Free: The Journey to Self-Sufficiency and the Empowering Benefits It Brings

Breaking Free: The Journey to Self-Sufficiency and the Empowering Benefits It Brings

Living a self-reliant lifestyle lets you break free from the shackles of modern society. You can take control of your life. It provides a sense of independence and fulfillment that nothing else can match. Whether growing your food, generating electricity, or simply learning to live within your means, becoming self-reliant has countless benefits. These benefits extend both to you and the environment. Living a self-sufficient life can truly transform your experience.

Learning to be self sufficient

So, if you’re ready to take the leap and embark on a journey to self-sufficiency, read on. Discover the endless possibilities and empowering benefits that await you.

Becoming Self-Sufficient

1. Start a garden

Growing your food is one of the best ways to become more self-reliant. It lets you control your eating and reduces reliance on the grocery store. Starting a garden can be a rewarding experience that lets you enjoy fresh produce and connect with nature. To start a garden, choose a location with plenty of sunlight and access to water. Decide what you want to grow, whether vegetables, herbs, or flowers. Prepare the soil by removing weeds and adding compost. Finally, plant your seeds or seedlings and water regularly to make sure they grow strong and healthy.[1][2]

2. Install solar panels

Generating your electricity through solar panels can help you become more self-sufficient and reduce your reliance on the power grid. Installing solar panels can be a great way to generate electricity and become more self-reliant. Here are the basic steps to install solar panels: [3][4]

  1. Decide your needed size based on your energy usage and location.
  2. Choose a location for your solar panels that receives ample sunlight and has enough space for the panels.
  3. Install mounting brackets to secure the solar panels to your roof or ground.
  4. Connect the panels to an inverter. The inverter converts the direct current (DC) electricity the panels generate into alternating (AC). You can use this electricity in your home.
  5. Connect the inverter to your home’s electrical system.
  6. Install a monitoring system to track the energy your panels generate.
  7. Obtain the necessary permits from your local government before installing.

3. Collect rainwater

A rainwater collection system can supply a water source for your garden or other needs. It reduces your reliance on municipal water sources. Collecting rainwater can offer a free water source for your garden and reduce your reliance on municipal water sources. To collect rainwater, set up a system of gutters. Then, install downspouts to direct rainwater from your roof into a storage container. Use a screen to filter out debris and prevent mosquitoes from breeding. [5][6]

4. Learn to cook from scratch

Cooking meals from scratch can save money and reduce reliance on pre-packaged or processed foods. [7]

  1. Start with simple recipes that use essential ingredients.
  2. Invest in quality cookware and utensils.
  3. Build a pantry with flour, sugar, and spices.
  4. Learn basic cooking techniques like chopping vegetables, sautéing, and baking.
  5. Experiment with different flavor combinations and cuisines.
  6. Take cooking classes or watch online tutorials.
  7. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them.
  8. Cook with friends or family to make the experience more enjoyable.
  9. Plan your meals to save time and reduce waste.

5. Preserve food

Learning to can, freeze, and dehydrate food can help you extend the shelf life of your harvest. It can also reduce your reliance on the grocery store. [8]


This involves packing food in jars and heating them to kill bacteria and create a seal. Canned foods can last for several years.


This involves storing food in a freezer to slow down the growth of bacteria. Frozen foods can last for several months to a year.


This involves removing moisture from foods to prevent spoilage. Dried foods can last for several months.

6. Raise backyard chickens

Keeping chickens can give you fresh eggs, meat, and fertilizer for your garden. [9]

  1. Decide how many chickens you want and what breeds best suit your climate and lifestyle.
  2. Build or buy a coop that provides enough space for your chickens to roost and lay eggs. Make sure it offers protection from predators.
  3. Give access to fresh water and feed, including a mix of grains and a calcium source like oyster shells.
  4. Collect eggs regularly and clean the coop regularly to keep good hygiene.
  5. Look for signs of illness or disease and consult a veterinarian if necessary.
  6. Allow chickens to free-range or offer a run for exercise and enrichment.
  7. Consider composting chicken manure to fertilize your garden.

7. Learn to sew and mend

Repairing and sewing your clothes saves you money and reduces your reliance on the fast fashion industry. [10]

  1. Learn basic sewing techniques like threading a needle, stitching, and using a sewing machine.
  2. Practice simple projects like hemming pants, sewing buttons, or making a tote bag.
  3. Use your fabric’s correct thread and needle to guarantee a strong and secure stitch.

8. Start composting

Composting can help you reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Choose a bin or designated area for your compost pile to start composting. Add a mix of brown and green materials like leaves, grass clippings, and food scraps. [11] Turn the pile regularly and keep it moist to encourage decomposition.

9. Use a bike or walk for transportation

Using a bike or walking instead of driving can reduce your reliance on cars and help you become more self-reliant. [12]

10. Learn basic home repairs

Knowing how to fix basic home repairs like leaky faucets can help you save money. Fixing broken appliances can also reduce your reliance on outside help. [13]


[1]  https://gardening.org/growing-a-garden-for-survival-plants/

[2]  https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/self-sufficient-garden.htm

[3]  https://solarinfoworld.com/5-steps-to-solar-panel-self-sufficiency/

[4]  https://forevergreen-energy.co.uk/case-studies/the-next-step-in-self-sufficiency/

[5]  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004896972038044X

[6]  https://clarktanks.com.au/2018/04/26/becoming-self-sufficient-with-rainwater-stormwater-and-recycled-grey-water/

[7]  https://clarktanks.com.au/2018/04/26/becoming-self-sufficient-with-rainwater-stormwater-and-recycled-grey-water/

[8]  https://www.allrecipes.com/article/self-sufficient-kitchen-guide/

[9]  https://www.motherearthnews.com/homesteading-and-livestock/food-self-sufficiency-zm0z12onzkon/

[10]  https://www.selfsufficienthomesteading.com/self-sufficiency/how-many-chickens-do-you-need-to-be-self-sufficient

[11]  https://iuhoakland.com/product/self-sufficiency-series-hand-sewing-basics/

[12]  https://thetropicalhomestead.com/compost-for-self-sufficient-gardening-what-goes-into-it/

[13]  https://www.apidura.com/journal/embracing-the-self-sufficiency-spirit/

[14]  https://www.ruralsprout.com/77-diy-projects/

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    Nichole Sheley

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