Home » Herb Garden Basics

Herb Garden Basics

No matter what stage in your life, you surely appreciate watching plants grow. I do, too. I figured that creating a garden from scratch is one of the best ways to enjoy the process. A herb garden lets you relax. You can work on your dream of caring for and growing something from seed to a grown-up plant. You will also learn about herb garden basics.

herb garden basics

If you are a beginner, have no fear! I am here to walk you through the basics of the herb garden. Here, you can discover all it takes to build your plot without draining yourself in your backyard. Let’s dive into this together!

What is a herb garden?

what is an herb garden?

A spice garden is made from various herbs you decide to plant and care for yourself (preferably from scratch). This can include anything from rosemary to cilantro, parsley, basil, thyme, and many more. Think about producing your own little herb family. It is essential to look for the spices you use the most. Plant them first.

Before I go into the details, remember that you need an excellent location. Look around and see where your fresh plants will thrive best!

How to start a garden?

herb garden basics

First things first, think about what you want to grow. This can be any plant used practically, for cooking, or medicinally. Make your list and start reading through the basics of gardening herbs. After all, gardening isn’t so hard. 

Next, consider what you want to do after fully grown plants. Once you dedicate some time to picking your favorite herbs, harvesting and caring for them will become much more manageable. You can even improvise with your space!

If you want to use them only for cooking, consider planting cilantro, dill, and basil. They are easy to keep and grow like crazy. Just remember to water them regularly and harvest them fresh, ideally before you cook your delicious dinner.

Now, if you are dealing with rabbits, I recommend adding a bit of sage. Or, you can add lavender along the borders. This way, you can easily keep smaller animals away. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I have prepared the only herb garden basics guide you will ever need. Take a look at it below!

Herb garden basics guide

Herb garden guide

Since there is a variety of aromatic and delicious herbs, there’s not a particular plan to grow them. Some of them enjoy being under the sun, while others appreciate a little bit of shade. I have gathered some of the most common growing conditions, from toasty temperatures to lean soil. Once you start your herb garden, consider using this as your essential guide. Here is what you need to follow:

  • Soil requirements – opt for soil that is not highly nutritious. The herbs should be grown lean, meaning most would not need soil with extra supplements. If you want them to be fresh, you shouldn’t use a lot of fertilizer. Fresh herbs have an intense flavor and scent. The only exception you must make here is herbs grown for their flowers. Here is where you should add plenty of water and rich soil.
  • Sunshine—let your herbs enjoy the warm sun! One of the best herb garden basics tips is to give your herbs the essentials they need to thrive. Sunlight is essential. Make sure that you treat your plants to an enjoyable space for them to take in every sunray. Sunshine is the only way they will have an intense flavor and fragrance. If you want to talk numbers, consider that you should expose them to approximately 6 hours of sunlight every day. 
  • Water requirements – I don’t mean showering your herbs with water (literally) but rather providing enough moisture and good drainage. Almost all plants don’t thrive in incredibly damp conditions, making it impossible for the root to grow. Instead, it will rot, making your plant weak and susceptible to diseases. Most popular herbs like oregano, lavender, thyme, and rosemary prefer drier soil.
  • Trim and harvest – Last but not least, trimming is an essential part of the basics of an herb garden. You don’t need to cut or prune them too much because even the most minor snip can significantly change. Also, if you practice trimming regularly, you will notice that your beautiful, aromatic herbs grow fuller. They will have solid and healthy stems and leaves.

Herb garden tips

Herb garden basics tips

Herb gardening can be an excellent pastime for you to enjoy. Besides the basics I have already shared, there are other herb garden tips you should know. Some of them include the following:

  • Make the difference between perennial and annual plants. Perennials come back each year, and annuals should be planted again every year.
  • Take a look at the plant care tag. Once you go on the hunt for seedlings, check their care tag. It will help you discover more about the plant and decide whether it will thrive in your environment.
  • Consider the height, too. Different plants come in various sizes, so some grow taller than others. This is something to consider. Especially if you are looking for the perfect spot for all the herbs you plan on growing. After all, you should avoid a situation where they throw shade at each other.

It helps to know a lot about herbs if you want to make the most out of your space. I can only imagine that these herb garden basics will help you create the most beautiful environment in your yard. Dedicate your love and care to your precious herbs. Give them everything they need. You will enjoy watching them grow day by day!

Let me know if you have any questions in the comment section below.

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    Nichole Sheley

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